Relevante links
Foreninger o.lign.
Lepidopterologisk Forening
Entomologisk Forening
Entomologisk Selskab for Fyn
Aarhus Entomologklub
Entomologisk Fagudvalg
Sommerfuglerapporter fra Danmark
Skillingbro Naturskole
Fortegnelse over Skillingbro-samlingen [PDF]
Registrerede arter i Rĺbjerg Mose 2015 [PDF]
Registrerede arter pĺ Ovstrup Hede 2016 [PDF]
Fugle & Natur
Apollo Books
KajsNatur - Sommerfugle
NaturHandel - Naturplakater og sommerfugleplakater
NaturHandel - Insektglas
NaturHandel - Sommerfuglenet
Den danske rřdliste
Overvĺgningsprojekt Danmarks Dagsommerfugle
Norsk Entomologisk Forening
Sveriges Entomologiska Förening
Lokalforeninger i Sverige
Suomen Perhostutkijain Seura ry (Lepidopterologisk Sällskapet i Finland)
Latvijas Entomoloģijas biedrība (Entomological Society of Latvia)
Lietuvos Entomologų Draugija (Lithuanian Entomological Society)
Artsdatabanken - Sommerfugler
Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning (Atlasprojekt)
Checklist of the Finnish Lepidoptera
(Finnish Entomological Database)
Lepidoptera and some other life forms
Suomen Perhoset
Societas Europea Lepidopterologica (SEL)
Vlaamse Vereniging voor Entomologie
De Vlinderstichting (Dutch Butterfly Conservation)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie (DGaaE)
Les Lépidoptéristes de France
Naturwissenschaften Schweiz
Österreichische Entomologische Gesellschaft
Polskie Towarzystwo Entomologiczne (Polish Entomological Society)
Societatea Lepidopterologică Română
Entomologica Romanica
Amateur Entomologists' Society
British Dragonfly Society
Royal Entomological Society
British Entomological & Natural History Society
Butterfly Conservation
The AES Bug Club for Young Entomologists
euroButterflies (Matt Rowlings)
Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa
Lepidigi - European Butterflies
European Butterflies (Ver 2.1)
European Butterflies Group
Butterflies of the Western Palearctic
Satyrinae of the Western Palearctic
Fiebig Lehrmittel (Berlin, D)
Entomologie MEIER (München, D)
ENTO SPHINX (Pardubice, CZ)
Paradox Company - Entomological Shop (Kraków, PL)
Watkins & Doncaster - The Naturalists (Herefordshire, UK)
Butterflies & burnets of France
Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel
Farfalle d'Italia
Le Farfalle dell'Umbria
Fauna Ibérica | Lepidoptera
Butterflies & Moths in Poland
The Sphingid Moths of Poland
Motýli České republiky
Magyarország lepkéi
Butterflies of Greece
Чeрвoнa книгa Укрaďни. Чeшуeкрылыe (Lepidoptera)
Aтлac бaбoчeк и гуceниц Кpымa (Lepidoptera of Crimea)
Бaбoчки Кaвкaзa
(Lepidoptera Caucasi)
The Butterflies of Bulgaria
UKmoths (moths of Great Britain and Ireland)
Anything but common
European Sesiidae
Host plant database
Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek
Natural History Museum, London - Entomology Collections
Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden (former Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam) (Tortricidae Resources on the web)
Atropos: the journal for butterfly, moth and dragonfly enthusiasts
GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Tree of Life web project
European Red List of Butterflies
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)
EU's habitatdirektiv (The Habitats Directive)
European Environment Agency
Acadian Entomological Society
American Mosquito Control Association
Association des entomologistes amateurs du Québec
Association for Tropical Lepidoptera
Association of Natural Bio-Control Producers
Australian Entomological Society
Entomological Society of Queensland
Entomological Society of Victoria
Entomological Society of New South Wales
Western Australian Insect Study Society
Coleopterists Society
Entomological Society of America
North American Butterfly Association
Washington Area Butterfly Club
Connecticut Entomology Society
Maryland Butterfly Society
North Carolina Entomological Society
Ohio Lepidopterists
Michigan Entomological Society
Dallas County Lepidopterists' Society
Worldwide Dragonfly Association
International Dragonfly Fund
Dragonfly Society of the Americas
Florida Entomological Society
Utah Lepidopterists' Society
Pacific Coast Entomological Society
Hawaiian Entomological Society
Entomological Society of Canada
Entomological Society of British Columbia
Entomological Society of Alberta
Entomological Society of Saskatchewan
Entomological Society of Ontario
Société d'entomologie du Québec
Entomological Society of China
Entomological Society of Southern Africa
Biosystematics Interest Group of ESSA
International Butterfly Breeders Association
International Society of Chemical Ecology
International Society of Hymenopterists
Lepidopterist's Society
Lorquin Entomological Society
The Orthopterists' Society
Sociedad Venezolana de Entomología
Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil
Society for Invertebrate Pathology
The Lepidopterists' Society
A World For Butterflies
Butterflies of America
Butterflies and Moths of North America
Forestry Images - Lepidoptera
The Butterfly Site
Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes
Electronic Resources on Lepidoptera
Journey North
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen
Royal Museum for Central Africa - (Tervuren)
Lepidoptera Mundi
Lepidoptera Photolist
The Monarch Butterfly
Monarch Watch
Painted Lady Butterfly Life Cycle and Interesting Facts
Butterflies in the Philippines
Spencer Entomological Collection
Garden Treasures - Where Do Butterflies Come From?
Modular Homeowners
How to Build a Butterfly Garden in Your Backyard